Sunday 22nd September 2024

Supported by


John Rogers

Dave Cottrell

Gwyn Williams


Lock Lane Sports Centre
Lock Lane
WF10 2JU

Welcome to the second UKBC National Open Show. For the experienced Budgerigar exhibitor you will notice that the format of our show is very different from what you are used to. We have attempted to create a format which is fair and promotes competition across all the classes & sections. Of course we are not claiming to have come up with the perfect format and we have  learnt a lot from our first show. Feedback from our exhibitors, judges, stewards & visitors will be vitally important in how the show format evolves going forward. It would be fantastic to get a selection of entries from across all the classes and sections to help us get our format right. So if you love to exhibit or are just curious as to how our format works then enter a few birds, all entries are free!
This is an Open show and all awards are available to every exhibitor. Birds exhibited in the “Adult Bird” classes don’t require leg rings and those exhibited in the “Current Year Bird” classes should be closed rung displaying the current year. These Closed rings can be issued by any national/international club or society.
We hope you have an enjoyable day with us at our show.

Thank you from everyone at the United Kingdom Budgerigar Club – Where Budgies come first

Our preferred method of entry is by completing the Entry Form below. For those that might struggle with this we will accept a telephone entry but please only use this method if absolutely necessary.

Telephone entries will be taken on Monday 16th September by Graham Turner on *07717768025 between 8-10PM


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